Building a Bridge Between the Old Guard and New

Day 919, 23:37 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma

War, Children; It’s Just a Click Away

In eRep, war is as easy as the click of a button. Yes, there are times when we are given warning: we see a vote in an opponent’s congress, read of their intentions in their national news or notice regions being swapped as an enemy heads our way. Sometimes, however, it comes as a surprise. The solution, obviously, is to always be prepared.

There are the War Room preparations: troop supply and deployment, communication with allied armies, schedules and strategies, etc. If those preparations are to succeed, every member of the team must be trained, strong and ready to go … every member … even the babies.

Not that long ago, Admin changed the game mechanics, allowing players to participate in military activity at Level 3. That gives us minutes once new accounts start to find them and get them into a training program or, with luck, either SAAF or a militia. We may not be able to find them at birth, but we can try to find and help them as early as possible.

Yes, babies grow quickly in a war game. Noobs from all over the world are asked to grab guns and help defend their nation, their team.

I’m always surprised when I find players who’ve reached Levels 8 – 13, have low wellness, and have never been offered guidance. Yes, they get a form letter welcoming them to the game, but that’s easily overlooked in the face of the overwhelming mechanics to be learned. Many new players may be shy about coming on irc or posting on forum. That’s why:

Outreach Is Essential!

Sure, players can figure out how to hit a couple buttons on their own. If they don’t kill themselves with a downward wellness spiral, they’ll be fine.

When experienced fighters help them learn the war module, they’ll be more efficient, better understand orders and needs, and rank up faster.

It’s the responsibility of every player to help those who come after us. Not only should we be welcoming on the forum and irc, we should take steps to find new players and bring them into the fighting fold.

Learning the game while making friends, being guided toward involvement and understanding of mechanics and game nuance, will increase player retention and make us stronger.

With a military mentor, players’ comprehension of strategies and alliances will develop. Who knows when a young player will be the first to discover an invasion plan or notice a pattern of troop movement that indicates potential conflict? Open communication with our Old Guard will help the New Guard learn to recognize those signs and allow them the freedom to ask questions of and share ideas with people they respect.

By time players reach Captain they should be well versed in mechanics and starting to discover subtleties of the game and develop strategy ideas. Those interested in Foreign Affairs and negotiation can be directed toward Intelligence and Ambassador positions, perhaps even EDEN internships if that can be arranged.

By time they reach Lieutenant they should be strong, educated and ready to make an impact.

Perhaps they’ll move from trainee to trainer, serve in politics, or focus on the potential of being an elite soldier. No matter the direction they choose, both individual players and the South African team as a whole will be stronger.

Some say our Field Marshals are put out to pasture, with little to do between battles. Yet their knowledge of the game, awareness of our history, and gained skill are among the most valuable commodities we have. We need to build bridges between Field Marshals and younger players so that knowledge can be shared.

Whether we use direct contact with new players via PM, the forum or irc, we need to offer to mentor them as soldiers and as citizens. Through teaching and support we can increase our numbers and our might.

Are you interested in being involved?

I’d like to hear from both new players and old. Do you need help? Are you willing to help another? Please let me know – Let’s start building our needed bridges together.


Dycey Farley
Congress Rep for Mpumalanga
Minister of Social Development
Member, PPSA
Crimson Commander, The Crimson Order
Founder, WMU – Warmongers United