Broatia, We've Got Your Back!!!!!

Day 986, 06:06 Published in Croatia Belgium by shadowukcs

disclaimer: vote and sub if you haven't already - thanks

My dear Croatian friends,

These are indeed troubled times for your great country and for you great people. In the past (as ATLANTIS Sec General) I’ve worked often with Croatians and throughout my (too) long time in erepublik, you always struck me as such a proud, strong, loyal and humorous people. Back in ATLANTIS, when there was one nation you could always count on, -even without having to ask-, it was always Croatia. Always first to come to aid, always last to leave the battlefield and always doing so with a good dose of humor.

Now it is time for the world to repay their debt. Now it is time for each individual citizen so show that you too, my Croatian friends, can count on us the way we counted on you in the past. You are in need of help. And the whole world is hearing your call. The whole of e-world is coming. Never before in all my time in this game, have I seen such a big mobilization towards your country. eUSA, a country that feels that it has let you down a few weeks ago, has never before shown such remorse. We’ve send EVERYTHING we got. Everything we can send, will be send. Everything we can do, will be done. We will make this right, Croatian friends, we will be there when you need us the most.

We will do everything in our power to get Fabius in that presidents seat!! You can rest assured of that

To all the Serbs, Russians, and Godknowswhat other Phoenix members I only want to say the following: leave the country, go back to Serbia, go back to Russia and let the Croatians build their country. This isn't your land. THIS IS CROATIA!!!


Every time someone votes Lipec, God kills a kitten

You wouldn’t kill this kitten, would you? THEN VOTE FOR FABIUS DAMMIT!!

My name is shadowukcs and I’m voting Fabius

Croatia, the US has got your back!

Now lets shout...
Loud and proud...
Croatians IN, Servians OUT!!