Bringing Glorious Sand to Sweden

Day 1,564, 19:53 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

Let’s recap. In my first article, I talked about how we need to challenge ourselves. How having the same thing, over and over and over doesn’t do anything, and doesn’t get us anywhere.
Then, I revealed my all-star cabinet. A group of experienced and passionate players. All focused on making the United States a better country, both here and abroad.

So now I want to talk about my goals for March. I’m not all fluff and an amazing cabinet. I have substance, and I want to bring actual change to the Executive.

On March 6th, you can expect me to post a Ask President Stevens thread on our National Forums. This will be a place where any player can ask questions, no matter the subject. I will answer as much as I can, without jeopardizing anything vital to our security. I am a representative of the people, and I believe that the President should act as such. Transparency is more than just a word to me.

I will also be using my paper to write more than just re-election articles. My newspaper serves as my conduit to the American public and I intend to provide them with regular updates, like the great presidents of our past used to do. The WHPR will continue to serve a vital role, but it will be diminished as I intend on doing all of my own writing.

Americans can also expect to see a complete overhaul of the National Security Council. I will be advising my NSC Chair, Vanek26, to clean out the Council, and to replace them with people that are motivated, and driven to see our military forces, and those of our allies, succeed. I have been in #NSC, and watched as 25+ people have sat around and done absolutely nothing as we lost mini-battle after mini-battle. Watching as battles slipped away from us in our prime-time, forcing us to spend even more resources and damage on extra rounds. This sort of waste is unacceptable.

My National Security Council will consist of at least one (sometimes two) representatives from all the major military units, as well as the JCS branches. In addition, there will be a small number of dedicated deputies who will monitor battles worldwide.
The days of the NSC being filled with political appointments, is over.

In the days leading up to the election, USMJ Party President Jude Connors talked of revitalizing the eUS Intern Program if he were elected Country President. Unfortunately, Jude dropped out, but he has agreed to join my team and see his vision through to the end. Therefore, we will be giving new life to the Intern Program. This will allow all new players the chance to experience more of their government (and fetch a lot of coffee), as well as getting their name out there, so that they can begin to take on more responsibility and eventually become highly respected members of our country.

But the most important aspect of my Presidency, is going to be the return of meaningful battles. Have you ever logged in at night, and found that every single battle is over 60%? We’re literally beating ONE so badly, that you might as well not even fight. We are wasting so much damage by winning all these battles so easily. And it’s not just our silly Resistance Wars with Spain and France. Our entire alliance dominates.

It’s boring

We are making this game even more boring than it already is. We are watching our lives waste away one meaningless battle at a time.
What if we could put all that extra damage to use? What if we could fight meaningful battles again, instead of the same old Aquitaine and Asturias. We own those battles. Let’s challenge ourselves. Let’s see how far we can push our country. To test her outer limits.

We are going to bring all the glory of DIO to the pig disgusting Swedes. We are putting Lonestar on notice right now, that we are coming for him. And we won’t stop until every Swedish region is crushed under the might of DIO.

There are multiple paths into Sweden, and with America's top military strategist at my side, we will soon find ourselves on their shores, with the might of DIO at our backs.

With all the damage we are wasting at night, we can easily secure our regions in France, Mexico and Spain, as well as invade Sweden. Stretched thin? Not as much as you think. Aquitaine takes priority over everything, but every front that we open, diverts damage from ONE as well. This is winnable America. Very winnable.

We can do this America. Together, we can pull ourselves up out of this rut we’re in. We can return to the world stage, and flex our muscles. We will bring the glory of DIO to the snows of Sweden. And for the first time since China wiped them, they will know freedom. We can rid ourselves of the complacency of the National Security Council. We can have an open government, that communicates with the people it serves.

Vote for me, on Monday, March 5th and together we will write the next chapter of American history.

And oh, what a glorious history it will be.