Breaking News - Iran, Greece, PTO Attempts and more!!!

Day 828, 10:16 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,

I am going to try a new format. Instead of focusing on just one topic, I shall focus on three!!! Now read and enjoy!!!


The President of Iran has been impeached by his congress with a vote of 28-5. I am surprised that there were 5 votes for "No" because the president ashkan_hg, had asked his fellow congressman to impeach him. The president of Iran stated that his RL was interfering with his duties and ability to govern as President of this Phoenix Nation. When I spoke to him, he stated that he has been in the process of moving to Malaysia in real life. The new president is Roxeta. He ran against Ashkan_hg last election, however his campaign focused on much simpler goals like raising the GDP, and keeping control of its regions. He also promised to return Iran to glory. It will be interesting to see what the situation with Iran will be in the next upcoming month. If you all remember, they actively participated in carving up the eUS and eCanada and occupying some of our regions. Now, there are particularly a less important, less active nation in Phoenix and have even been criticized for not helping their allies.

In the outside world, you know, real life. Iran is facing human right violations and a non-violent (for the most part) rebellion against the current government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and President Ahmadinejad (hopefully I spelled that correctly). I could go on about this, but I will leave real life topics out of eRepublik. However, their Internet availability is decreasing rapidly and is being heavily monitored by the government. So Phailnix decided it was ok to criticize Iran for not supporting it’s allies in World War 3 not realizing or not caring about Iran and the real life issues they were facing.

Congressional Elections/PTO Efforts/ Blockers:

Summary: The United States received word that another PTO attempt was going to occur this month by getting Phoenix members to be elected into Congress. Last time around, 5 congressman were elected uncontested and were not supported by any party nor the Government of the eUS. Now, the threat of any PTO or Phoenix member winning a congressional seat has been avoided due to the efforts of the Top Five Parties, the government, and the military. Particularly, Max McFarland2, who set up his own IRC channel and was the major facilitator of the blocker movement. A blocker is someone who runs in a region simply to ensure that the candidate who is actually running, doesn’t just get in automatically in case that running candidate isn’t a real eUS citizen.

Random War News:

Greece is making headway with Turkey. They have been attacking Turkey for a week or so, however, they are soon going to lose the initiative. Support our allies and help ensure that they keep initiative against Turkey in order to protect eIsrael from being taken over for the 4th, or 5th time. eGreece had taken Eastern Anatolia to block Turkey from attacking eIsrael. Support Buck Roger’s movement to sign an MPP (Mutual Protection Pact) with eIsrael and protect it from foreign invaders. Support our EDEN/ Sol brethren.

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Last note:
Also, last article i promised free gold to 3 random citizens who commented, the gold and the two moving tickets have been given out. I shall be doing another one of those free gold articles if this article reaches 50 votes. Because then it will show that the last free gold giveaway was a success in increasing my view count.

Marcus Patterson