Breaking News Inc.

Day 624, 21:03 Published in Russia Belgium by Justin Moore

Breaking news Inc.

Fair and Balanced

****Russia has attacked Iowa USA within the last 7 hours; defense initiatives are in place at this time to thwart the aggression. Earlier in the day Wyoming was conquered by Russia in a move that has the U.S leadership further frazzled in a long run of lost ground. Russia is also reportedly invading Wisconsin on top of all of this troubling news+*+ update- Wisconsin has been taken.

*** Portugal continues its march to defeat the United States in its efforts to assist PEACE in removing the U.S from the world stage. They tried only a day ago to take Maryland from the U.S and they were beaten back by the rough and ready yanks but can they hold it? Time will tell. We are attempting communication with the military leadership on the ground to get further details.

** In a move not yet with a confirmed reason by Breaking News Inc, Spain an independent nation has chosen to attack France, a peace bloc nation as most know. We have contacted both the president of France and Spain to get official details, but neither has been available for immediate statements due to it being election night and a world war going on.

It appears that we have a new world order shaping in these first days of August. Things have gotten very hot indeed and there has been a lot lost for some, and a lot gained for others.

In other news this evening, North Korea’s President Afanasiy Drago, has proposed a swift enaction of a trade embargo against Russia. It is clear that North Korea is not favoring Russia’s worldly actions.

Moving back to the world scene now, Canada’s Western Star press has reported that Ontario, Canada’s last standing region is holding up well in the last stand battle with peace. It’s unclear if re-enforcements from allies will arrive to help stave off the brutal attack or if Canada will fall to the Brutal regimes.

In additional news it is being spread in Indonesian news sources that Peace has severely hurt U.S interests and rubs the fact in. They also display a map that indicates peace owning over half of the U.S to the Indonesian people. They refer to the U.S as a nation full of fat lazy people who have trouble getting off of their ass’s in order to two click and protect herself and the articles go on to speak about the lack of proper leadership in the U.S.

A U.K newspaper entitled “The enemy within” is calling upon English citizens to fight against peace and overthrow the U.K government, they understand that the push to eliminate the U.S and Canada is only the start of Peace’s effort to dominate and eventually rule the world with a one world government according to the article. The article can be found in the general U.K press pages.

Jacobi the Prime Minister of Canada has issued his farewells and appreciation to Canada in its thought to be final hours. Jacobi thanked Finland for the troops they poured into Canada to help fend off the aggressors, and said that the former people of Canada will always stand by Finland as they stood by Canada.

Election Results are in across the nations and here is what its looking like.

U.S president- Emerick shall continue forth as President of the battle scarred United States.
Israel- Buzzy the cat will remain in power
U.K- Hassan Pesaran will be the presiding power.
Indonesia- wizzie_don will be the president
Germany- Gobba will be the president
Canada- Jacobi will be the prime minister
Turkey- mkiziltoprak will be the prime minister.
Russia- My4eHuk will be the Prime Minister
Mexico- Eisenhorn will be the Presiding power.
Italy- Eisenhorn will be the presiding power

Other Election Results are not listed at this time.

Fair and Balanced, Factually Oriented
Breaking News Inc.

Disclaimer: All views and non-factual items listen therein are not the views of the Author but of views cited by undisclosed world officials or various media outlets throughout the lands. Our job is to develop a story that is interesting and fruitful to the viewer and not add a twisted spin. Sources available upon special request and provided at the discretion of the author