Breaking News Inc.

Day 624, 16:46 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by Justin Moore

Breaking News Inc.

Specialist Position’s open.

Breaking News Inc. Is currently looking for detail oriented, crafty, Journalistic Specialist’s to be a part of the Breaking News Inc. Team. You will be a part of a newly developing growing team of Media Specialists. Our goal will be to create not only a regional News Service, but a world wide news service that will serve everyone’s interests. Understand that this is not a paid position; this is for Journalistic Citizens wanting to be a part of a broad network that will get your name out into the world and known for your journalistic capabilities. I have some ideas on a pay scale process, but they are not implementable at this time due to finances on my end.

Position Duties will include but are not limited to.

• Creating Strong non-biased editorial columns revolving around eworld events and activities whether political, economical, diplomatic relations, military events, company events, special investigations.
• We are looking for multiple agents for each country or Region. Until we are able to get a media agent for each country, we will stick with Regions.
• All articles will be submitted to Breaking News Inc’s chief of staff which is Me. Justin Moore; the articles will be reviewed and approved or denied to be published in the Breaking News Inc Journal. I will be publishing in every Major Country around the world daily, and multiples daily on some occasions depending on the input flow.
• Your in game name will be published with your article and you will be listed as a Breaking News Inc. Correspondent.
• You will receive credit for all work done by you, you will always be recognized as an agent of Breaking News Inc. and Breaking News Inc. will always stand behind your work if we choose to publish it, you wont have to do all the defensive work.

The current regions that are open are listed as follows. We need multiple correspondents for each region…… Notice- You do not have to live in these countries to take that correspondent job, you just need to be able to communicate effectively with the leaders of these nations to get the inside scoop, monitor their media outlets, and let us know what’s going on at Breaking News Inc. so we can publish your work for everyone to see.

Eastern Europe Correspondent- This includes the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Hungry, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic.

Central Europe Correspondent- This includes the Poland, Slovic Bloc’s, Urkraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Greece, Turkey and so forth.

Western Europe- Russia, Indonesia.

Middle East, - Turkey, Iran, Israel,

Orient Land- China, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan and the Koreas when Available.

The Americas- U.S.A, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, par jay,

Africa- No correspondents needed there at this time.

Contact Me (Justin Moore) in game, I am located in Israel, and we can discuss further your options with Breaking News Inc. as we move closer to the world wide release date of our Interesting and productive breaking news service.

Disclaimer: All views and non-factual items listen therein are not the views of the Author but of views cited by undisclosed world officials or various media outlets throughout the lands. Our job is to develop a story that is interesting and fruitful to the viewer and not add a twisted spin. Sources available upon special request and provided at the discretion of the author