Breaking News: ATLANTIS' Growing Concerns

Day 466, 19:35 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson
---Letter From The Editor---

This news is breaking.

- Editor-on-the-Edge
Hari Michaelson

Breaking News:

ATLANTIS Expresses Concern Over eAmerican Attack on eMexico, eRomania Invades Several Regions In Protest

In light of the eUS' recent decision to launch an attack on eMexico, many membernations of the ATLANTIS alliance expressed growing concerns about the messages sent by the attack. The most dramatic of these was the outright protest expressed by eRomania in the form of multiple declarations of war, followed swiftly by the annexation of over 7 soveriegn regions into the nation's borders.

"The imperialistic actions taken by the eUS, and their kommendant of a "President" Uncle Sam are despicable" a high-ranking eRomanian official was quoted as saying in reponse to the three-pronged eAmerican offensive. Although he provided further commentary, our field reporter was unable to hear his commentary over the sound of the official's tank driving into the newly captured region of Kraplakistan. Regardless, the multiple rounds of celebratory cannon-fire shot in the celebratory enemy hospital was a clear indication of the anger that the eRomanian's hold for imperialism, in all its forms.

"If there is one thing that ATLANTIS and its membernations will not abide, it is the invasion of free nations, and the expansion of a nation's borders outside of its original territories," remarked another eRomanian, leading a long line of former Kraplakistanis to their new homes he jokingly referred to as "sardine tins".

"Not to mention," added his companion "they owe us all 100 GOLD for not telling us well in advance". The eRomanian was unavailable for further commentary as he and a crew of eRomanian soldiers marched beyond the Kraplakistani/new eRomanian border, informing the locals that they were now at war with, and captives of, eRomania.

*Further information from the area is unattainable, as our field reporter and his crew were the subjects of an eRomanian declaration of war immediately following these interviews. Their whereabouts are unknown as of print time 19:34


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