Brazil/Channer Collaboration

Day 798, 19:15 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

It has been brought to my attention that certain Brazilians are currently considering an offer of assistance by Channers. Recent correspondence have been brought to my attention, in which Brazilians politicians admit to having spoke with these individuals, and are seriously considering using their influence in order to enact a PTO of South Africa.

I want everyone to read that first paragraph again. Brazil is seriously considering using Channers in order to defeat South Africa, not via military means, but by political ones.

The past week has changed the landscape of the southern hemisphere, and a plan reeking of such desperation proves only one thing. Brazil fears us. They saw what happened to Indonesia. They can see our list of MPPs. And they are scared out of their minds.

This also should serve as a reminder to South Africa. We still have enemies. We still have regions occupied. For God's sake, people. Don't come apart the seems. We're not done with this war yet.