Brave New Nederland?

Day 1,779, 13:37 Published in Netherlands Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

There is one party in eNetherlands that has a vision; a vision of a brave new world. Not quite like Aldous Huxley's masterpiece, Brave New World, though I would say the Dutch Socialist Party is as good as a cup of soma! 🙂

Democracy - It is built into the eRepublik political module. How will the DSP bring more of it to eNL? Simple. Our party thrives on democratic ideals and believes each member should have their voice heard. Freedom of thought is valued, we dislike unquestioning obedience to any authority. To get to a more national level, in government we want to bring more power to the citizens by making efforts to bring about more participatory democratic measures to enable citizens to participate in government.

Freedom - From from what? Freedom for what? When we say we believe in freedom, we mean we believe that players should not be limited by the level of their citizen or to have their own personal projects sabotaged by groups of ill-spirited players. Every player has the right to play the game, to role-play, to make the most fun out of this game!

Stability - We believe in stability. By that we mean, we believe that players should expect to see that their political party hasn't been PTO'd or their country wiped or that a president gets wrongly impeached. Rationality, reason, and relative justice are values we have in the DSP and wish to make be an example to all. We can all have fun, yet still be competitive. We are one nation, we are not enemies. If we don't trust our own comrades, who can we trust?

If you are looking to start over in a new party, one that is new and friendly (and growing!) than may I suggest the Dutch Socialist Party! We are eNederland's only Far-Left party and we hope to reach that #5 rank soon. We believe in a better eNederland, a brave new eNederland!

Sincerely your's,
Party Leader and Comrade MikeBane