
Day 188, 10:42 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Certain people here would have you believe that if you are bored with this game you should just die. These people believe that the game is only reserved for those who are already interested in the game.

This is just another insight into the suicidal mind of those who control Sweden. Those who control Sweden don't intend on making the game interesting for players. That would only mean a threat to their power. That would mean they would actually have to do something other than watch the economic trends. That means they might actually put their political parties into a risky moral dilemma.

I tell you that it's alright to be bored. Do you know why you are bored? Because you live in Sweden where the government tries as hard as possible to make it boring. It's not your fault, and you should be bored. You should be deeply unhappy. You live in a country with like the world's shittiest media section. You live in a country where it's very difficult (and practically futile) to start a company (and who wants to simulate having a 9 to 5 job all day), you live in a country where the monopoly on power is deeply exclusionary. So where does that leave you the average player? Your moment of interest is only when war comes around. That is the only time in your e-life where you don't just work and train.

I offer you an opportunity for something different. Leave this country that does not care about you. Leave this country that has only tried to marginalize you and forget about you. Leave this country that does not love you and does not need you. Join country that needs you, join a country that will love you. Join Denmark. WE need you. We need people like you. People who want to do something but are excluded due to the status-quo policies of the Swedish system. Aren't you tired of the same old boring people doing the same thing as the person before them?

Sweden is a nation of anonymous people. Denmark was a nation of celebrities. You want to truly make a difference? Join the DGIN. Join a future Denmark. For once, make a difference. Come to a group of people that ENCOURAGE making a difference. Come to a nation that ENCOURAGES changes. ENCOURAGES getting your name out there and doing something different.

Why chose to be marginalized?