Bong Belly Produces First Food for Hungry eSouth Africans!

Day 262, 03:36 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

Yes my friends, the new Q2 Food Cooperative BONG BELLY has produced our first stock to feed the starving South African populace. We are striving to produce the cheapest Q2 food in the world and are exceeding quite well although our initial operating capacity is quite low. The price is low because we keep our overhead as tiny as possible. Profits are practically non-existent for us, but that is not what is important. Filling the empty stomachs of our brothers is all that matters to us now.

Please, my fellow skilled South Africans, take our job proposals to come and work for Bong Belly and feed the starving masses that our wars have ravaged and our current government apparently forsaken.

Long Live South Africa!