Binda33 for Prime Minister, Cabinet List

Day 2,050, 02:10 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33

I would like to introduce you all to my Cabinet, should I be elected for Prime Minister.

Binda's Cabinet list for August

Prime Minister - Binda33
I have been a member of Cabinet 29 times during my four years plus of playing eRepublik. I've participated in the Senate countless times, been ADF Marshal 17 terms all up and been Speaker/dSpeaker for Senate 12 times. I've been elected Inspector General twice. I have the experience to lead our Nation. To balance this, I have some relative fresh faces for most of the rest of my staff.

Deputy Prime Minister - JoshuaWheelan
Joshua is fairly new to our Nation, but not to the game. Josh operates on a slightly different time zone to most Aussies, but he will often be available when I am not. This means that when the Prime Minister is not online, there is someone who has the authority to see things done or to talk to our allies. This should alleviate any dead time that most Cabinets seem to have, when nobody is available to get things done. This is especially important during battles.

Minister of Finance - Venja
Venja is very experienced with the Finance Department role. I look forward to working with him again.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Dr Hugh Jardon
Hugh is very experienced in dealing with TWO, our newest allies. He is also available in a timezone where it's easier for our allies to reach him.
I feel that these are a very important factors for the MoFA for this upcoming term. Hugh is also a great guy with a wicked sense of humour. I recommend anyone who sees him on IRC to strike up a chat.

Deputy for Foreign Affairs - DodgyHagrid
One of our newer citizens, he has already become quite active and wants to get more involved.

Minister of Defence - Wyvernjack
Wyvernjack hasn't been involved in the political side of things yet, as far as I know, but has put his hand up for the Defence Department. He has been an active Officer in the ADF for some months.

Deputy - Matt Quinlan Dard
Matt is quite new, and I am happy to see him enthused to get involved in Cabinet for the first time.

Minister of Immigration - Argi the Eliminator
Argi has been in Cabinet a several times. He's a great guy who gets the job done quietly.

Minister of Information - Maxiawesome
Max is new and very motivated. It's going to be great to see him in his first role. He's already proved to be a self-starter.

Minister of Education - Eyebrows
Eyebrows is an experienced player but doesn't usually go for political roles. Hopefully he won't be scared to repeat the process in future. Thanks for having a go, mate!

If you are interested in a Cabinet job, please message me. 🙂