Binda33 for Prime Minister

Day 1,656, 09:50 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33

Binda33 for Prime Minister

Hello, my fellow Australians and interested readers.

Given that it's only a couple of days before the elections, I would imagine that a lot of people would be wondering why name is suddenly on the ballot. My Party, the APP and I have agreed that Australian citizens need a little more choice in the CP elections, given that it was basically a one horse race with just Majester as the only well known candidate up for election. I’ve decided to put my candidacy forwards in the hopes of creating a better and more powerful eAustralia.

What makes a person qualified to be the leader of a nation? In my opinion activity and government experience is what every good CP needs. I have played eRepublik for over 3 years now and have a long list of qualifications and a history of activity. I have served in eAustralian Senate for 25 terms, and served in cabinet 22 terms in various roles, including Deputy Prime Minister. I have had a long distinguished military career, including being a Marshal here as well as my work in Seal Team 6. I have also been a forum Admin on Aus Forums for quite a while now.

In my 7 terms as Minister of Foreign Affairs I’ve always believed and worked on creating strong ties between us, our neighbors, and our allies. Many CP’s have not shared this same interest with me. Some are simply are determined on creating war and internal growth. I remind all of you, it is our allies who help prevent us from being invaded or PTO’d, and who help us win wars. As CP I am determined to maintain strong and lasting alliances with nations who will create a stable and safe community.

Now don’t get me wrong, a good war is always good fun. I know this is a game, and games need to be fun, right? As CP I hope to continue work with our allies, have training wars that increase our strength, while earning us medals, and go through scenarios that will create for an active and fun eAustralian community.

New players are the future of each and every nation in this game, including ours. Education could not be a more important department or more necessary one. I think as CP it’s important to work with new players, get them on IRC, the forums, and get them working with experienced players and the education department. An educated noob can very well become a future CP, minister, or senator. Without education our culture dies off, the game dies off. New players are the future and we need to work with them and for them.

I want to help each and every one of you enjoy this game to the highest level possible. I’m here to maintain a strong and lasting nation with fantastic allies and a thriving community.

If you would like to be included in my prospective Cabinet, I still have some vacancies. I’m open to new and old players. Please message me. 🙂

Obligatory cat pic: