Binda33's Cabinet for September

Day 1,747, 06:02 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33

Just thought I'd post my September Cabinet (if elected)

I've made only a few changes since most of these people have been working very hard all term and doing a terrific job of it!


Cabinet list for September

Prime Minister - Binda33

Deputy Prime Minister - Lancer450

Minister of Finance - Paul J Keating
Deputy Minister for Finance - Venja

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional - Callumh123
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Euro - Irule777
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Americas - Witherd1
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in charge of MPPs - Flatty
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs - Vasilis Dionysos
Aus Ambassador Leader - Hyuu

Minister of Defence- JasonWaz
Deputy Minister of Defence - Eyebrows
Deputy Minister of Defence- Lemon Vodka
Department of Defence special advisor - SgtRock

Minister of Security - Sheraz Ahmad
Deputy Minister of Security - GregMacgregor

Minister of Information - Super Christopher

Minister of Education - MzCielly

Henry the 8th