Bill Brasky for... Missouri?

Day 606, 11:14 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Yes, you read that title correctly. I am leaving my home of 5 congressional terms, eMississippi, for my RL home of Missouri. It has always been one of my goals in eRepublik to become the congressman of eMissouri, so now I’m stepping up and running here under the UIP banner.

Now the real question is: why should you vote me for Congress? The answer is simple; I bring proven experience and leadership to Congress. In these trying times, we need sound leadership in Congress. I have been in Congress for 5 consecutive terms now, I stay out of partisan arguments, and most importantly, I get sh*t done. As head of the Congressional Oversight Committee, I helped put the Public Disclosure Act into action, moving many hidden threads out into the open for all the public to see. As member (and former Secretary of) the Department of Education, I founded and run the eUSA Citizen Mentorship Program, which helps almost 700 new citizens eliminate the harsh learning curve of eRepublik. I am also a proud serving member of the eUSA 101st Airborne, where I’m a sergeant.

Now that you know a little about my qualifications, let’s look at what I want to focus on in Congress this coming term.

The War

Simply put, the way this war is going is unacceptable. What do we need to do about it? We need to unify, even more than we have been. The fact that PEACE has taken home territories from us is, to be frank, appalling. We need to both demand unity from our allies, and not let them do their own thing, or we need to talk to PEACE. Taking a middle road will lead to more regions lost, and months of hassle (and wasted gold) for both the eUSA and PEACE. Action needs to be taken quickly and decisively. The responsibility will fall on this coming month’s Congress, and the President, Harrison Richardson. I feel my history of leadership and experience will serve the eUSA well in this capacity, which is a part of the reason why I’m running for Congress again.

Citizen Retention and Education

Right now, more than ever, we need able bodied soldiers. By keeping more players around so they can fight, and teaching them the ropes of the game, we make them efficient, effective soldiers that the eUSA needs so desperately right now. I have shown my unwavering dedication to this cause through my founding and leading of the eUSA Citizen Mentorship Program. Even when I had to attack Congress and the President, I did so without hesitation, because I feel very strongly that it is one of the keys to making us successful as a country, not just militarily, but economically and politically as well. I have personally helped close to 400 individuals learn how to play this game, and I’m always supportive of initiatives to help make those first couple weeks in eRepublik as easy as possible. In particular, I’m a huge fan of Meals on Wheels and MASH. The eUSA needs to help its new players as much as possible, for the sake of our nation.

Government Transparency

This has long been one of my big platform points. While some may disagree with the war going on, I stand by it, but we have to be extra careful about what we release is all. Military goals, ideas, budgetary concerns, and numbers must be limited release at best, but that is no reason we can’t show people what is going on in other areas of the government. The people of Mississippi know I practice what I preach as well, I have released every single vote I have ever given (excluding lulz proposals) to the public in my newspaper. Transparency is a key part of our government-populace relationship, and should not be overlooked, even in times of turbulence.

Missouri, it would be an honor to serve you in this coming month, and for months to come. Right now, the eUSA needs sound, proven leadership in Congress, and I can provide just that. A vote for me is a vote for a steady guiding hand during these times of turbulence. I’m Bill Brasky, and I’m asking for your vote on July 25th for Congressman of Missouri.

Bill Brasky

5 Term Congressman, Mississippi
Department of Education
Sgt, 101st eAirborne