Bill Brasky, Fired!

Day 532, 00:38 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

This is article is in response to questions I’ve received about William Shafer’s recent article.

Here are the simple facts: I was recently “fired” by President Scrabman as Secretary of the Department of Education. His stated purpose was because he “heard” I “trashed” him on IRC, while speaking with my Party President Gaius Julius, and William Shafer.

I wasn’t going to write anything about the situation honestly. However, too many people are asking questions of me, and I want to clear the air. So here is my side of the story.

I logged on to eRep with 27 messages in my inbox (which is unheard for me) from all kinds of people, from Mississippi residents, to my mentees, to fellow Federalists, all asking the same question. “What is Scrabman’s big plan?” Unfortunately, I had no answer, and in fact I was asking myself the same question. So, I did the obvious thing: I wrote Scrabman. Why shouldn’t he be able to tell me? I’m a 3 term Congressman, and I was part of his personal cabinet. The following is the exact message I sent him:

“Bill Brasky 2009-05-02 06:04:23
This whole situation...

I have a simple question: What is going on? I have people messaging me constantly (I woke up with 27 in my inbox, which is unheard of for me) asking what is going on. I'm getting it from all sides, from Mentees, from Mississippi citizens, and fellow Feds. I can't tell them anything because, frankly, I don't know anything at all. I wanted to ask you what is going on first before I became too vocal about how frustrated I am with this situation.
I'm not getting orders through the National Guard, everyone in Congress either knows just as much as I do or won't talk about it. I just want an idea of what is happening, because I like many eAmericans feel like we are being completely left out of the loop. If you're planning something, that's wonderful, but we need to know a little about what is going to happen. I'm hearing everything from invading Japan, Russia, Mexico (again), Portugal, and even outlandish things such as a PTO of Canada and other allies. We need a direction here, and I need to know what to tell the people who put you in office. I'm asking you to please just shed a little light on the situation, so I know how to help new players and the people I represent.
Bill Brasky”

Since it was early in the morning, I then jumped on IRC, on which I met Gaius Julius. We started talking about my deluge of messages, and Scrab’s super-secret plan, which was (and to a certain extent still is) a popular topic. William Shafer joined our conversation. We bantered about the “secret” plan, and I expressed my displeasure with the way Scrabman has gone about telling the populace about what is going on. We talked a little bit, and I logged off IRC. Later in the day, I got my reply from Scrabman. It was 4 lines long, and answered none of my questions. It told me one line about his “plan”, followed by a disclaimer that I couldn’t tell anyone. Then he told me that I was fired from his administration because I was bashing him earlier with Gaius and Shafer. He also informed me that Shafer was a “traitor”.

I was fired because I because he “heard” that I was “bashing” him on IRC. I was relieved of my duty based on secondhand knowledge, and a poor decision.

I run the Mentorship Program almost singlehandedly, and I have re-invigorated the Department of Education after Tiacha left. I would understand being relieved of my post had I done something that warranted such an action. Had I abandoned my duties, or neglected my mentees, I would accept Scrabman’s decision. However, I have done no such thing, I was a victim of party politics and Scrabman’s shoddy leadership.

The simple fact of it is that Scrabman values loyalty over a thorough decision. He will not accept any dissenting opinion. Despite the fact I am on the Government Oversight Committee and am well within my rights as a citizen and a Congressman to point out what I feel is a grave injustice that is being forced upon the American people. Rather than accept my point of view and move on, Scrabman decide to squash my point of view by simply ousting me from his administration. He continued to send me messages and threatened to “publicly lambast” (direct quote), me should I continue to “demean” him.

So, I come to you citizens as a member of the Government Oversight Committee, requesting that you demand answers from your President. Do not allow him to keep you in the dark any longer. Do not let the desire for loyalty to a single person overtake rational and well thought-out decision making for the entire country.

Bill Brasky
Former Secretary of the Department of Education