BfB or how ignoring the will congress and selling a CP medal is daily routine.

Day 956, 02:14 Published in Belgium Belgium by shadowukcs

Dear Readers of eBelgium, dear citizens

Today BfB has once again shown its true colours.

A few weeks ago ThomasRed proposed in congress that we SELL (yes SELL!!!!!!) our presidential medal. Yes, you heard me right, Thomasred is willing to sell our democracy, selling the good work of others, selling everything we've been doing since belgium became independent, for a handful of gold. HE IS WILLING TO TURN US INTO THE LAUGHING STOCK OF E-WORLD FOR A HANDFUL ON MONEY.

There are no other words for this then pure Treason, pure Corruption.

Now if this where to remain a proposal or just an idea, then ok. No problem. And if the majority of eBelgians on congress would have agreed with this, then again, no problem.


A vote was held in congress and a majority voted AGAINSTthis ridiculous plan. Congress had clearly spoken.

And yet, without notifying anyone, nor even informing congress about this, ThomasRED and Apothygma have, behind the backs of congress and the eBelgium public, still proposed the french candidate for BfB candidate (AlphaMFPEFM_Z). (see: here for more information

Not only is this a real slap in the face for ppl like Thore who have actually campaigned for eBelgium, who have put their time and money in this running and who have the interest of eBelgium in mind, this is also a straight forward attack on democracy, our freedoms, our congress and everything we've achieved


Proud people of Belgium, plz say no these dictators and vote for Thore Thoreson on election day tomorrow. The only Belgium candidate that actually wants to work for Belgium in stead of just being after the Medal.