Behind the Curtains [En]

Day 544, 11:42 Published in Iran Japan by Von Seelard
English version

As you know, Romania's leaders, after their defeat, were outraged. They could not accept that Indonesia and Hungary together, backed up by Peace tanks from all over the world could defeat them. Sebahmah, Romania's most important and influential player wrote an open letter to the admins an stated that the whole Romanian leadership, and several other players will abandon the game if the admins will not take immediate actions to make the game bug-free.

/ About WSR: The in-game intervention by the admins were unprecedented, and both sides are displeased with it. Atlantis side argues that the +220k wall was not enough compensation, and if they knew Indonesia is cheating, they have concentrated on Podolia instead of WSR. Peace side argues that with this action not only affected the fake Q5 guns, but also the non-fake gold and wellness which they used for tanking. Also, this was the first time admins gave compensation to any side. If you recall that with Sardinia, Italy lost even it's Q5 hospital because of the fake Atlantis gold used in the battle. /

The admins in turn banned Sebahmah, and said that they cannot be intimidated by such threats. Han Solo meanwhile dismissed the Romanian Army. But some of his articles were also deleted because of the threatening and/or sabotage-like language. Romania's people feel that they old friends, the admins turned their back on them, and they make contra-Romanian actions just to please long-neglected Peace side.

Meanwhile, the admins banned Hungary's most influential economic mastermind's, Shaok's organizations, for unexplained reasons. He did a lot monetary business with huge amounts of non-fake gold on the Romanian market, but that is not against the rules in any way.

Romania's anti-cheat propaganda squad meanwhile, in response to the admins letter in which they siad they cannot be intimidated, attacked the game. They attacked Hungarian and Serbian monetary market with millions of fake currency. Any innocent player, who unknowingly traded with these cheaters, got permabanned. They have even posted a video on YouTube about this attack. It seems that they want to ruin Hungary by cheating, altough even Romanians admit that Hungary did not cheat. It also seems like they are taking admins' statement that they 'cannot be intimidated' as a challenge. There are also rumours of these cheaters stealing Serbian accounts to use for their actions.

I know that these cheats are not supported by the majority of the Romanian community, but only a small, but infuential and resourceful rogue group. I respect the Romanian players who did all they could to defend their country, I only used the general term "Romanain" in some case for the sake of simplicity.

As it seems now, the New World is about to collapse. Infuential, good players are either leave the game getting tired of hatred and cheats, or get banned, everybody is fed up because of the bugs. There are many and serious threats to the game itself, that need to be answered right now. It is not the matter of eHungary and eRomania, or Peace and Atlantis anymore, but the game itself.

Further reading in English:

Open Letter of Shaok asking for a roll-back, and freezing the servers until the bugs are fixed, please sign.
Quicksilver's deleted article about stopping this madness once and for all.