Battle Orders Day 1433 (16:45 eRep Time)[UPDATED]

Day 1,433, 07:00 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Information

This is one of three official sources of Battle Orders for eCanadians. The national war effort is counting on you to read these orders on a regular basis and to act accordingly.

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All eCanadian Battle Orders go according to the script. Do you have a copy? Are you on the same page? The script is updated more frequently than this paper, it is available here.

Click to COMPLETE THIS FORM and fight for Canada in the ATO against the SLR PTO!!!


This is the top priority for Canada right now. We need active and patriotic citizens who are able to switch parties to block the PTO and able to run for congress as blockers to prevent PTO candidates from sneaking onto the ballot. We can afford to outspend those who would bribe!!! We need patriots to defend the nation. Support eCanada now!!!

Click to fight for Ireland in Newfoundland!!!


This is a region swap battle, in order to thin our regions for the upcoming congress elections. This should be LOST by Canada. Fight for Ireland if we are winning the battle.

Click to fight in South East of England!!


Fight in South East of England, give it your best and lets show the redcoats that we still mean buisiness!!

Click to fight for USA in Tennessee!!


TERRA's Top Priorty, lets help our bros keep those pesky spaniards at bay, and more importantly out of North America!!

Click to ight for Greece in Macedonia!!


Eden's Top Priority, Help the Greeks kick some Macedonian ASS!

Last Update😛 16:45 eRepublik by Mafanikio

Who can change this article:
MafanikioGary Hubert
Philip Delle Palme
Addy Lawrence