Battle Orders - Day 1426 (at 03:47 eRep)

Day 1,426, 03:59 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Information

This is the official source of Battle Orders for eCanadians. The national war effort is counting on you to read these orders on a regular basis and to act accordingly.

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eCanadian Battle Orders are also available through a script here.

Click to fight for Canada in Newfoundland and Labrador!!!

This is an attack on our homeland. Winning this war will regain the initiative for us as well so that we can beat the UK back across the pond.

Click to fight for USA in Papua in this non-moving battle!!!


This is the top priority battle of Terra atm, this battle is in the "War to Teach the Bullies from Indo a Lesson"

Click to fight for Australia in Lesser Sunda Islands in this moving battle!!!


This is another priority battle in Terra atm, another installment in the "War Against the Indo Bully"!!!

Click to fight for Canada in South East of England and fend off the RW in this non-moving battle!!!


This battle is subordinate to the defence of Newfoundland, but this battle represents our furthest front in the UK War for Peace. To gain some negotiating power, we need to beat back our Natural Enemy.

Last Update😛 03:58 eRepublik
Addy Lawrence

Who can change this article:
Philip Delle Palme
Gary Hubert
Addy Lawrence