Battle Orders - Day 1419 (as at 11:25)[UPDATED]

Day 1,419, 05:50 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Information

This is the official source of Battle Orders for eCanadians. The national war effort is counting on you to read these orders on a regular basis and to act accordingly.

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Click to Fight in Prince Edward Island!!!

This is a non-moving battle.


Teh Swedes have attacked mainland Canada, gather your supplies, call up your friends - time to show them who's boss and kick them into touch!

Click to fight in Nunavut!!!

This is an non-moving battle.


Do everything you can and give your all in this fight, we are level at 2 battles each, and a win would kick the UK out of our country.

Last Update😛 13:25 EST; 11:25 eRepublik
Updated by: Mafanikio

Who can change this article:
Philip Delle Palme
Gary Hubert
Addy Lawrence