Battle bug in battle of Crete

Day 777, 01:49 Published in Greece Greece by Spartakos

Open letters » Battle bug at battle of Crete!
Hello dear admins,

05-01-2010, about 0😇8 eRep time:

At the war Greece vs Turkey there is only one open battle at Crete, where Greece attacked Turkey to reoccupy its original region.

The battle's wall was at minus, had about 12 more hours to finish and suddenly the battle ended.

At Latest National Events it is being shown that "Crete was conquered by Greece in the war versus Turkey" and after a minute is shows "Crete was conquered by Turkey in the war versus Greece". Screenshot here with Latest Events have two different posts about the battle.

Clicking at the battle NOW we can see that Greek president retreated, something that never happened since Greek president wasn't online.

In addition, Greek side is being shown at the right, as if it was the defending side, and its Battle Hero is a turkish player, while Turkish side is being shown at the left, having a U.S.A. player as Battle Hero (U.S.A. fought at Greek side). This shows that Greece was defender although it was the attacker and the opposite for Turkey.

Concluding, we have a battle that finished with a "fake" retreat and the countries have changed sides from attacker to defender and the opposite.

Result: Greece lost a battle that was winning till the moment it ended and lost initiative at the war.

Edit: Turkey, right after the "fake" Greek retreat INSTANTLY attacked Israel, as if they were waiting this battle to end. This means that either the turkish president retreated from the battle and the game bugged or something more "complicated" happened.

Please take action against this bug as soon as possible. From columbia