Battalgazi - One Million Damage

Day 726, 22:44 Published in USA USA by e Project Mayhem

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Two weeks ago, a record was smashed in eRepublik.

Euphonix passed the 1,000,000 Damage mark and was the first to do so. I wrote an Article to commemorate this accomplishment. It was shortly brought to my attention that Battalgazi was close behind Euphonix in the Damage count, and would himself eclipse the mark.

This is the story of Battalgazi's road to One Million Damage, enjoy.


11 Hard Worker Medals

7 Times elected to Congress

Twice elected Country President

Two Media Mogul Medals

49 Battle Hero Medals

Twice a Resistance Hero

4 Super Soldier Medals

4 Society Builder Medals


And this is his story...

This is the home town of Battalgazi, the day before he was
eBorn - in eTurkey. Take note of the nice serene backdrop
of the rolling hills meeting the sea. You can almost smell
the sea swept air and aroma of indigineous food stuffs.

Battalgazi's eFather, surveying the damage caused by the
birth of his eSon. You'll notice that the topography no longer
matches the original photo. You'll also note that the birth of
Battalgazi caused all cameras in eTurkey to revert back to
black and white. Needless to say, the family was no longer

Soon the family was on the move. When word was recieved
that Battalgazi was coming, residents quickly packed up
whatever they could carry and got outta town before the
Hell Child arrived.

Battalgazi's eFather, with a Vatican Priest attempting to
quell the anger of (insert God of choice here) by
burying the Hell Child alive.
It didn't work.

In this rare early life photo of Battalgazi you can clearly
see the evil in the eyes. Man that kid is creepy.
Soon, counselling was sought to correct the Hell Child's ways.

Collecting donations from some of the most generous
donors in eRepublik, the family paid their way to the
eUSA to see the very best shrink in the land. Dr. Phil,
not known for his tact told the family in no uncertain
terms that Battalgazi had some serious problems to
overcome. "Tell us something we don't know, baldy."

Soon it became obvious that Battalgazi would have to
make his way in the world on his own - without his family.
Here, you can see him begging the religious leader for

For years nobody heard from the Hell Child. Until he
arrived in Central eGreece. "He came from nowhere...
look at me, I'm still shaking..." a survivor exclaims.
Battalgazi earned his first of 49 'Battal' Hero Medals in Central eGreece.

This was the beginning of a trend in pursuit of endless
'Battal' Hero Medals. After Central eGreece, Battalgazi
embarked on a world tour of damage.

The 'help' cleaning up after the Battle of Karnataka.

For a short while, the family was reunited and went to the
country home - which is never fixed up.
It would be a waste of gold.

During WWIII, Battalgazi found his way to Ontario to
participate in a most epic battal - eCanada's last stand.
The Hell Child didn't win the 'Battal' Hero Medal in this one,
but it remains to this day his favourite battal to have
participated in.
*On a personal note, this particular Battle was the final blow
to my country - eCanada. (You basterd!'😉

The 'Battal' of Asturias. This was Battlagazi's most proud
'battal' - winning yet another 'Battal' Hero Medal with -23517
in Damage. This was a crucial 'battal' for PEACE: GC. This
represented eSpain's ability to reproduce Weapons at peak rate.

In Washington, DC. eUS troops get to work on excavating
the Capitol after Battalgazi had left.

Battalgazi's little brother. eBorn 7 years after Hell Child,
clearly shows the affects of radiation fallout as a result
of his elder brother's tantrums. Still, he is one tough mofo.

Yep, you guessed it - Battalgazi. This was a weekend
jaunt to Manitoba to help defend against the ever rising
EDEN and Brolliance forces.

Like Euphonix, Battalgazi is reknown for his practical jokes.
Here he catches GLaDOS off guard, as you can see his body
flying thru the air.

GLaDOS recieving first aid after the joke.

Battalgazi looking back on an eLifetime of Damage.
He has achieved this One Million milestone less than
300 fights than did Euphonix. Also has quite a leg up
on Battle Hero Medals over Euphonix: 49 - 24, not to
mention only 300 XP points away from 10,000 XP.

If you see Battalgazi show up in a fight in which you are
on the opposing side of...
...this is the button I think you'd be lookin' for.

* * *

Congrats to Battalgazi.
Although you are my adversary, I must respect the damage.

Central eHungary tonight - during the celebration of
Battalgazi's ascendence into the One Million Damage
Club. Names have been witheld for security purposes.
That and it's time to make dinner.


Battalgazi's Newspaper can be accessed here: NEWSPAPER OF ONRCHE

Don't forget to vote for this article, it's the least you could do.


Tyler F Durden
