Bank Value and Information Live (Beta)

Day 653, 13:28 Published in USA USA by t'jelle Bank

Hello citizens of eRepublik and t'jelle Bank depositors,

We have two new achievements as of today! The first relates to the value of t'jelle Bank which has just passed 2,000 Gold. If you count deposits, it's even higher, nearly reaching 3,500 Gold in value. With 5 months of being operation we are proud to have reached this point with the help of all our depositors, partners, employees and borrowers.

The second acheivement is the release of out Bank Information page, which displays current financial information about t'jelle Bank. It is updated daily and is therefore highly accurate. You can find out information such as:

and more!

It is currently in Beta and is hosted on a Google Spreadsheet page. Once we get all the information we want on there and decide that it works well, it will be integrated into the banks main website. You can check it out in the meantime and let us know what you think by visiting

(Links are not currently working)

We have a new intern Wealthmaker who will be working in the Public Relations and Financial Department.

Join the discussion at #tbank in IRC and make sure you subscribe to this newspaper to receive important bank updates.