Back off guys

Day 748, 19:04 Published in USA USA by Willinabox
Well everybody, here goes, the first article of the citizens inquirer. Tell me how i did, mmk?

Whats goin' on.
Ok, I am seeing all this garbage about how Jewitt betrayed us and its all a conspiracy and how we should impeach our new eUSA president already, after just two days of being in office. Come on guys, we lose a few regions to the eUK that aren't anything special, just a few companies. But we did this so we could get into the whole eAsia area, and free some countries trapped by the evil PHEONIX.

What should we do?
I say that we just keep pushing the Kyushu invasion, and once we have Kyushu secured, we get these eUK bastards out of our country, and hold up with all this eJapan nonsense. We need to finish what we started, and then deal with these fools. The eGovernment knows that the eUK is a menace, and should have known that they would've done this, but it was a mistake, and thats no reason to impeach the 2 day old president is it? I say nay to the impeachment of ePresident Jewitt, lets just let things play out, see how it goes.

your friendly neighborhood citizen.