Back for Good

Day 970, 20:23 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Vacation = Over

Real Work Begins Now.

I'm back eIsrael, Lets get crackin. I spent a good 2 hours going over all the V2 stuff, so I'm well-equipped with it. Congrats to Franz for winning, a great race indeed by all candidates. I've heard little about what has been going on, but so all know, I'm back in active mode after 13 hard days of no internet at Naval Station in Newport, Rhode Island for Leadership Academy/Sail Training for the United States Navy.

Let's rock and roll eIsrael.

That looks cool, right?

Anyway, I'm here for help, Ill be running in KM elections as always, and I'll be throwing myself out there for CP candidate (gotta find a party/parties)

Here's to you eIsrael. Let's do work 😃

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower