Back! (For a little bit, at least)

Day 943, 05:58 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

I'm back everyone. The party is after you read the paper, it's in the comments section.

Anyway, just a basis, I am now a licensed pilot, and had a blast at Embry-Riddle Aeronautiical University for 1 week. It made me think about a lot I want to do for college, so it was good. I had a great time.

This is the plane I flew. Not the actual one, but the type, at least Cessna FTW

Now, onto erep stuff. I'm running for Knesset again, as always. I'm gonna be active, awesome, vot, blah, blah, blah, you get the picture. I will NOT be running as a Presidential Candidate for the July 5 elections. I am running in August.

On top of that, someone needs to fill me in on what went down while I was missing, cuz there seems to be a lot of problems going on here and I need to fix them. Or learn about them, anyway.

I saw Aeroner and a couple others threw up the Lantern Society, I urge everyone to take a great oppurtunity and make it happen.

So, enough of that uneccesary junk, ITS TIME TO PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Sam Krakower

Whoops, how'd that get here?

So yeah, party it up guys, and I'm here again 😃