Baby steps: making arrangements for changing economy

Day 2,957, 08:23 Published in Israel Georgia by Jonathan Druck

Day 2957, Dec 25, 2015

I have replied to mass email thread the following and for those not in mass email thread of eIsrael here is the suggestion for beginning economical reform.

Good evening and good weekend everyone,

I would like to address my suggestion for an economical reform starting in eIsrael. If you have been following my news paper that I have started in eIsrael, you will know the topic points. If you have not you are welcome to read about it under Israel news on the main page or in bullets here.

* The economy in eRepublic is very broken. Under no condition in the current wages is it possible to profit from companies and selling goods using employees.
* Players leave for higher wage countries to make any profit from just working for daily wage.
* Its very hard for beginner players to advance in the game with out mutual support or reach a point of becoming a productive member of any eCountry.

The suggestion Im making is moving to a structured work-military unit. By reducing acceptable wage rate to 8 CU (NIS) it would allow our eIsrael producers to make profit from food selling food at Q4, weapons and primarily housing which will generate the astonishing revenue.

What I am asking may seem quite a bit. Work for less but in the long run it will revitalize eIsrael and attract higher level players to come join for cheep labor. You can compare this to companies in real life moving off shore to india or china for manufacturing then exporting goods back to their nation for taxable profits.

Military units will provide a key role as I can see many people working under the wage of 8 CU running out of food if they are not self sufficient. You can also read my article about reaching this "Energy crisis - feed yourself". Since we are looking first to fill employee ranks of our largest manufactures of weapons and housing these are commonly in the military units. If you will require food to complete your daily activities as a lower level member ask in the chat or directly your military unit commanders when online. I am sure they will provide you with what you need.

Further more when the military units will have cheap employees it will be easy to produce weapons in order to supply players with weapons for war, hopefully in the future after the NAT with Georgia expires even liberation and reclaiming whole eIsrael.

First step would be listing our active manufactures If you are in a military unit, active and able to produce weapons Q3+, food q4+ and housing please list your self. we will make a list and hopefully begin moving as employees and employers to reduced wage pay in a fashionable manor on an agreed date.

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