Az adminok elvették Central Slovakiát! / Admins took Central Slovakia!

Day 723, 11:47 Published in Hungary Hungary by Ebolakola


After analyzing our battle logs we came to the conclusion that Poland did indeed conquer the region.
The new region owner of Central Slovakia is Poland.
The issue should be fixed now.

Andrei F.

köszönjük szépen, most még a csatákat is leállították...


thank you, now the battles are stopped...

Tankred cikke, voteot neki (Tankred"s article, vote it please):

by the way from now on i will write in english as well, it's worth subscribing to me, believe it 🙂 )

EDIT: a csaták újra aktívak! / battles are on again!

EDIT: itt a bizonyíték / proof here thanks to Loserock
