Austrian National Party - What it means to be a Nationalist[1/2 or 3 possibly]

Day 789, 10:51 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Austrian National Party

As we move towards the Congressional elections I thought perhaps airing my views on my party will convince others to perhaps join the party.

eRepublik CRIME(Rule Breaking) - this has to be top of my list as it seems all of us has either been a victim, or knows someone who has. Many eRepublik parties do actually associate with rule breakers whether it be involving yourself with PTO groups or maybe just finding a new source to go to for funds. First question I ask myself when I see acts of rule breaking is "Why? Is it not just a game?". Of course it is. Nationalists do not involve themselves with rule breakers and don't plan, under my leadership that is, of course.

I have came across many unruly figures in the eWorld and it just makes you wonder why. Is it to be the best in the game or to be the wealthiest? Possibly. I can see to my right at the moment an ad for the International PTO Team. Have anything to say to that readers?

Nationality - the political parties should be encouraging everyone who lives in eAustria, whether they have been born here or have chosen to move here, to take a pride in Austria. The National Party infact does this, see below.

I have been stressing the important of this ever since I arrived here. You can look back to my first Congress platform to see that I say it is important for us to recognize "talent" and utilize it. For example, those with a better military record should be allowed easier access to weapons and those who have a way with typing that speaks to someone should be enrolled into a important position, no? What do you think?

Personal Attacks/Insults - this is often seen in many eCountries and of course in eAustria. Maybe there are no going around at this particular moment but it sures does happen at certain times. Nationalists always refrain from Personal attack and insults as we know the damage it can cause mentally. See below for more.

I think most eAustria citizens have come to realize that we are a small community all aiming towards the same goal. We just need all citizens to come to this realization now. Personal attacks only look bad on you and not the person you are attacking. Even if you still decide to do this, you should stay away from attempting to represent someone in that particular statement. For example if a voter on Stancel's side were to say something to GORANJ, Im sure GoranJ, in an attempt to defend himself would say something that Stancel has done wrong, in the past. So, insults can also be carried along with you, even if you are not the one saying it

Morality - Very often do many eCitizens, especially politicians state that they will do something specifically just to gain votes. It even happens when Presidents are choosing their National Goals, for one example, look at Jewitt's last campaign. I did not see any attacks on the UK in his last term.

This can be very demoralizing and misleading to evoters which is why Nationalists either refrain from making promises or state ones that we know we can accomplish.

Be sure to follow-up on this if you enjoyed it in my next article. Next on is set to be released either later today or tomorrow.

~Nationals, Representing You!~

Thank you all for taking your time to read
Thank you in advance for votes,comments and subscriptions.

Ciel Phantom,
Party President,
United Countries Union.