Australia RW an eUK in Scandinavia

Day 679, 15:16 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

The European front has fully opened up now, with the eUK fighting against both Norway and Sweden in an attempt to aid their Russian allies. The eUK will most likely not win the battle against Norway as it activates MPP's with the US, Spain, Greece, and Sweden. However, the Sewedes have no allied help in their battle defending Nordjylland, as this is an original territory of Norway and does not activate any MPPs.

At the same time, Sweden will most likely take the region of Trondelag from Russia, an original region of Norway, which was lost yesterday. Also on a positive note, Finland is attacking Nord-Norge Russia, another region previously lost by Norway, a battle which is so far going well for us. For the Time being, Russia is blocked by Finland and Sweden. As long as Finland does not come under attack, they will be able to keep the pressure on Russia with more offensive maneuvers, and the only country that borders Finland other than Russia s Estonia, which will most likely not attack Finnish territory.

Meanwhile, on a somewhat strange note, a series of Resistance Wars have been started in the Indonesian-held region of Western Australia. Apparently the result of political rifts within the Indonesian government, these battles will most likely not result in the return of WA to Australia, however it does show some strain in the cohesion of the well-oiled war machine that is Indonesia. These battles bring into question whether or not Indonesia intends to ever return this region to its rightful owner, despite a contract spelling out the terms under which such a transaction must take place.

Battles are raging once more America, and now is once again a time to fight. Onward to the aid of our allies, let's help them just as much as they did for us when it was our necks' on the line!

Go USA!!!
Death to PEACE!!!