Australia attacks Indonesia!, Final day of Hospital Abuse

Day 847, 21:33 Published in Australia Australia by patti11
Australia attacks Indonesia

In a move that would have surprised citizens worldwide, Prime Minister Cerb launched the first attack on Indonesian home soil in eRepublik history (fairly sure I am right on this, if wrong please correct me!).

While at first glance this seems like a suicide mission, on close analysis we instead come to the conclusion of a bold, and a little bit crazy move. In fact, the Indonesia President has already labeled it brave, a nice change from Phoenix attempting to troll.

While the friction between the 'Brolliance' (USA, Australia and Canada) and EDEN has become more apparent over the last week, While the US has goals in the Asian theater and Australia was promised support by the EDEN command to assist in The Great Southern War it seems the European nations of EDEN (save for Greece) are pursuing vastly different goals (note, the EDEN command are from European nations).

What this war has done is essentially forced the EDEN command into an ultimatum. Australia, will no doubt be one of worlds most strategically important regions when V2 comes into play, and each alliance is looking to get one up from the other, in particular, whoever controls the worlds regions of titanium/diamonds. As it currently stands, EDEN and Phoenix control 2 regions a piece (Sossu's article explains it in more depth than me ) and if EDEN wants to maintain that, support will be sent our way. If not, while defeat will look inevitable for Australia, Australia has good relationships with many countries, and we will sure put up one hell of a fight. Regardless, EDENs true feelings regarding Australia are about to come into the open, and I for one welcome it. There is no point living in a pipe dream over our relationship with EDEN, the truth is needed.

Of course, all this is based on if Indonesia attacks us. I highly doubt they won't though, the history is too great and this may be the baby boom Indonesia has been craving for. Regardless, both Australia and Indonesia are going to benefit from this war.

Cerb is yet to realise an article on the war, but I presume it is only a matter of time until he explains his actions. Australian battle orders for civilians are to fight in Paupa however suggesting this is most definitely not a hack of Cerbs account.

Last day for Hospital Abuse

The old trick of fighting once then using the Q5 hospital for a net gain of 40 wellness is nearly a thing of the past. The old 'glitch' as admin describes it will be 'fixed' tomorrow day 848, as indicated in this announcement here. What this means is the hospital will only recover wellness you lost in battle. For example, if you fight in Paupa 3 times and use the Q5 hospital, you will only gain 30 wellness, as opposed to 50.

What this means is when the day changes, it is essential for Australian's to have their wellness as high as possible, as increasing it will not be so easy.
Will this mark the return of gifting as a healthcare policy? Post your thoughts in the comments. I am also interested to hear your thoughts on Cerb's bold move.

Until next time,
