Attempted Romanian-Russian Take Over

Day 524, 18:26 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

I don't have a lot of fact at this point, but, I hope my readers will forgive that. What I do have is a question for Americans every where. Currently, many of us are abroad, fighting battles against PEACE, or possibly against ATLANTIS. Many of us have our own reasons for fighting, some of them as simple desiring a raise in level and rank. Some of them are as lofty was wanting to change the world.

I, unfortunately, fall much more into the former category as opposed to the latter.

But, while I spend my days fighting against which ever country the mercenary company I work for tells me to, I often find myself looking forward. I find myself looking forward, and wondering just what's going to happen in the future.

One cannot argue that what Romania, and the forces allied with that nation, have done in the past few weeks is amazing. I don't know how the battles will go tomorrow, but I can say, with all honesty, that what ATLANTIS has accomplished is startling in its sheer scope.

But there is a dark side to these astounding victories. With the last congressional elections, Russia was able to defeat a Romanian lead take over.

I've heard it so often from this pack of dogs we call PEACE that I'm sick of it. Every time they're confronted with the crimes and wrongs they've committed against nations like South Africa, India, and Australia, they always through it back that Romania and ATLANTIS does the same thing. And, here we have a clear cut example of exactly what they're telling us.

Don't you just hate it when the people you're fighting against are right?

At what point do we start demanding better of our allies? At what point will we, as Americans, demand that Romania, and other nations in ATLANTIS, stop with the take overs. I understand that take overs are effective. Hell, if they didn't work, they wouldn't happen. The admins are sitting on their hands and remain stoically silent in the face of constant outcry from parties on both sides of the current conflict.

So, if we can't rely on the administration to assist in this manner, and if we truly wish to demonstrate that we're the better alliance, what are we to do? I have an answer for that question, America.

We lead by example. We demand better of our allies, and we offer our official support to any nation facing this sort of threat. We demand that Romania, for all its military might, and all the amazing victories that country has racked up, stops with the attempts to control its enemies through such underhanded methods.

What do we want, America? Do we want an endless series of conflicts? Or do we want a world where every nation has a chance?

Do we want to be as base and as petty as the people we fight? Do we want to be the ones who are right?