Attack of the q1 weapon companies

Day 714, 23:29 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

It has been a long time since my last analysis on the added value creation and profitability of the q1 manufacturing companies. The recent happenings on our job market however made me write this article.

It all started a few days ago when Ryan Southcombe offered 35 MYR wages for skill 7 with his q1 weapon company that had 2-3 workers at that point. Soon a higher quality company overbid that offer and now we have another q1 weapon company offering a spectacular 38 MYR for skill 7 and 28 MYR for skill 6.

But let's see how much worth workers with a given skill produce in q1 weapon companies. I used 7.5 MYR (0.1125 gold) as price of q1 weapons and 0.55 MYR (0.00825 gold) as price of one stock of iron in my analysis. I calculated productivity as if the company had 10 employees (the optimal number) and as if the employee worked with 95 (!!) wellness in average. Here are the results:

Skill - Value added

7.00 - 28.9 MYR
6.00 - 24.8 MYR
5.00 - 20.7 MYR
4.00 - 16.5 MYR
3.00 - 12.4 MYR

This means that these companies are making a loss when employing skill 7 (and skill 6) workers, even though the price of q1 weapons is currently above 0.11 gold on our markets while it is around 0.09 gold on the cheapest markets of the world. What could I say? Thank you guys for screwing our job markets and with it well managed businesses that try to employ people for the long term and once again I hope you go bankrupt soon.