ATLANTIS: A Handy Guide to What Your Allies Are Up To

Day 461, 15:44 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson
---Letter From the Editor---

Well, it seem that once again we're doing a foriegn affairs piece. I actually didn't want to write this, I had a good article in mind that was far more lighthearted and funny.

But seeing as how by printing this I essentially have a monopoly on the foreign affairs section of our media, I might as well.

Also: In case you can't tell, the featured political cartoon was written by Dr. Seuss, who did a number of them in the period leading up to, and during, WWII. See? You I just tricked you into learning something.

- Next-Time-I'll-Be-Funnier
Hari Michaelson



In my previous article, I mentioned the eRomanians are prepping for a heavy offensive against eIran, in the hopes of striking their ultimate target of eIndonesia. It should be noted that the eRomanian President has made a number of interesting claims about the facts regarding this offensive. Among the more questionable are the claims that this attack is fully supported by a united ATLANTIS force. Among the more alarming are his threats of the use of political coups in an attempt to force eIndonesia into facing eRomanian forces in a direct battle.

While we here at The Muckraker do not oppose the curbing of eIndonesia's power, we feel that having our nation's foriegn policy dictated to us from the boasting of an obviously power-hungry nation's president is...unsettling.

For more on this situation and the concerns of The Muckraker Staff, see our previous article entitled "eRomania Vs. eIran or: Global Aspirations, A Follow Up"


For starters, it should be noted that a "war-game exercise" (described as such by eItalian Representative Furio) has been underway between eSwitzerland and eItaly for a day now. After the initial day of fighting in which eItaly's forces were left spent from the day's battle, eSpain launched an offensive on the eItalian region of Languedoc-Roussillon, putting the eItalians at a clear disadvantage. Although the battle is only ~2 hours in at print time (server time 15:31), the soldiers of eSpain currently hold the region with the the strength of the wall sitting at -33,547.

Clearly this was a decidely clever strategic move of eSpain's part, and it leads to a needed re-assesment of the current situation of the political landscape of the area. It would stand to reason that the eItalians would seek to end the war game exercise until the threat from eSpain is dealt with. However, in the current active battle in the eSwiss territorry of "French-speaking Switzerland" there have been sightings of eItalian-allied fighters commiting to battle. It is unknown whether these are members of the eItalian army, or private citizens.

The combined effects of these aggressive movements by ATLANTIS membernations has increased the volatility of relations throughout the New World, and it is believed that if the trend being observed now continues on in this faction, we could easily see some of the largest battles and most dramatic shifts in power in a long time.

Special Area of Interest: eIsrael

As a minor footnote, we here at The Muckraker would like to point out that eIran has just recently proposed a trade embargo with the recently re-created nation of eIsrael. While the motives behind this are unclear, we at The Muckraker welcome any input or thoughts on the matter presented here, or in the rest of the article.
The Muckraker: Because those brain cells aren't going to kill themselves off.