As promised, East of Utopia?

Day 3,947, 02:42 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

See my last article, no link, get clicking if you want to read it 🙂

Changes, do we need them, probably not, but as a mental exercise why not.

A multiplayer online game, having 3 distinct modules to it : war, economy and politics.

After carefull consideration I have decided not to write one big article, but release a series of articles with changes to the game that could make it more interesting. For those in the game with more brain then visa card credit food for thought.

One of the first aspects I want to tackle is the military part of the game. How can we bring balance in the game, so that newbies might still be of some importance to the game and at the same time not deny the big canons their moment of glory? Plenty of stuff really.

The changes I'd propose :

- you can only defend a region when in the region
- you can only attack a region from a neighbouring region
- moving through a region has a time penalty, during which no fighting can be done

That's it, the first changes, the details, how to make MPP/Alliances work with this is for another article.

See you around for the next release.