Articles of Resistance

Day 568, 19:14 Published in USA South Africa by Epic Thoughts

This article will be published in America, Brazil, and Indonesia.

There are some terrible things I've heard lately, my friends. Whispers and hopeful rumors about 'freedom' and regaining lost territories. Those who would have us believe that our struggle could be over in weeks, as opposed to months, tell us that we may be able to reach an agreement with PEACE, with Indonesia and Brazil, and that we only have to make a small amount of concessions in order to regain our lost regions.

These people will be remembered as our enemies, and, if they get what they wish, they will be remembered as the greatest traitors of The Resistance.

There are those, who were once among our leaders, that want to make agreements with both Indonesia and Brazil, that in return for two or three regions, none of which will have any serious resources, South Africa will become a state, bound by MPPs and a series of pact, that will render our nation to absolutely nothing more than a slave state.

These people are hours, if not days, from selling us out.

I am an outsider among many of you. I have little in the way of wealth. I have nothing to offer any of you who might hear me now.

But the decisions being made by those we have chosen to be our leaders will be our undoing if they are allowed to continue down the paths they have so eagerly already decided on. A resistance is never a short term affair. There is no easy way out of this. There is no quick fix, and there is nothing to be done that can expedite an end to our exile. Ours' is to be a trail of endurance. Of patience. And of righteousness.

If you are reading this, you are The Resistance.