Army Of Zion

Day 947, 20:57 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

The Army Of Zion's New Official Logo. Its my first logo ive ever made and I think I did a good job all things considering. The Logo is Subject to Change by the way.

The Army of Zion is the new Paramilitary wing of the United Zionist Party.

It is dedicated to the defense of eIsrael and its People.

It currently has over 23 active members divided into two 10 person squads with a 3 person command staff lead by Director Matan9010. Its growing each day with new applications from within the UZP and other parties.

We have a q1 Weapons company with a large stockpile of weapons that can provide our troops with the means to fight on the battlefield. This Weapons Company can also provide a decent job to members of the AoZ seeking employment and decent wages.

Prominent figures on the command staff include Sir Valaro Volcrum a former President of eIsrael and "Father of the eIDF" as well as Maelyn former General of the eIDF and "Mother of the eIDF"

Both well respected Individuals in eIsrael.

If any of you are interested in joining please apply here:

We have leadership positions available and there is much room for advancement in this new Active Military Force.

Am Yisrael Chai

Truly yours,