ArjaaAine's Manifesto for Congress

Day 641, 23:03 Published in India India by ArjaaAine
Hello everyone.
Many of you may know me and my deeds, Most may not.
For everyone:-

Here's why you should vote for me for congress.

I, ArjaaAine became a part of eIndia 7 months ago. After spending 1 month in eUSA. I am a real life Indian living in the USA. I saw that India needs help and moved here to help my mother country reclaim its glory of real world in eRep.

eIndia has a great community, where people from all over the world in real life meet together to carve out a wonder. Our diversity is our strength... No-one is discriminated against. All our newspaper articles are in English. We pride ourselves on the fact that we welcome anyone and everyone.

Neutral in its true sense, we still had to ask for some atlantis country's help to save our beloved country. I am proud that we have held strong and are growing stronger by the day. And now even though half of eIndia is overtaken by others.. We are still strong and getting stronger.

Why me?
I am here for eIndia and will die(if I can) for her. I love the community and have been an integral part of it since my first day here. I have made some good friends and plan on making many more.

My Contributions:-
When I came here and started the much needed Tickets and Weapons company here. Trying to provide goods at the minimum possible price with a little profit for myself. Even though the products are not the cheapest in eWorld, still they helped us ward of the expensive foreign exports. Making us self sufficient. I also created the first Gift company in India and provided gifts to the indian market where again the foreigners were mooching off the economy. I had been providing Skill 0 jobs as much as I can, and have been sending every new employee tips.
I have helped many people move to eIndia after they were stranded or were just looking for a land of opportunities. I have donated many people weapons, gifts and tickets whenever I could and whenever they needed it.
I have had an active newspaper and hopefully been posting articles of worth in the Media. 🙂

After being settled here for a while.. I made it into the government as the minister of finance.
I had been active on the forums, and was an integral part of the decision making process. I also am one of the most senior members in eIndia and one of the richest too.
I think my contributions for eIndia go beyond what I can write 🙂

My Influence during the war:-
As soon as I heard of the war, I started publishing articles in the world media, asking for help and encouraging people to fight for eIndia. Many such articles got overwhelming response.
I donated a lot of gold to the government to fight for eIndia. I have donated weapons to many fighters. I also brought many warriors to fight for eIndia for a marginal cost. Lastly I was offering weapons and tickets at the lowest price in the eWorld (at some loss) to help us fight the intruders.

in the end, war didnt happen. We were PTOed

What will I do for eIndia if I make it to congress?

I missed out becoming part of congress last time because of the bug. But I plan to make up for it this time around.

1) I will try and make sure none of our proposals are wasted. I will also try my best to have a healthy discussion on any of the proposals that are in debate.

2) I will always put eIndia's interest ahead of mine. Always make sure that the country is always taken care off...

3) I promise to make forums active and always keep posted about the latest details.

4) I promise to keep the country well informed. Make sure our citizens have all the information they need.

5) I promise never to betray eIndia, never to do anything to hurt us a nation.

6) I am going to try my best to get the wellness of eIndian citizens as high possible, through information and gifting.

7) I will do everything in my power to prevent a political takeover.

I don't know what else to say... I already think I have gloated a lot.

but yeah... vote for me.

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Since I am approaching my first media Mogul medal I am changing the format of my articles from now on.

I got the inspiration from maverick10's Newspaper.
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My first Major Article

Stop Complaining People

The Last of my Sequence of Stats Article.

eIndia Times

World War III thoughts

A lesson to be Learned

Every nation Deserves Sovereignty


Join eIndia Forums
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