Are you a graphic designer?

Day 626, 11:14 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
This article was written by Jasper Ferguson, a good friend of mine

Attn Graphic Designers:

We need YOUR help to create a series of advertising posters that can be used by individuals to recruit new players into the eUS. We understand that allowing you to be creative is the best solution to this problem. We need you to submit your designs in this thread using an external link so that the thread doesn't become bogged down with a thousand large graphics. Submissions should be a standard letter size (8 ½ x 11), four color (full-color) document.

The contest thread can be found here:,8444.0.html

Players will then be able to use the designs to print out their own posters that they can put up at their high-schools, college campuses, libraries, churches, grocery stores, or tape them to their younger siblings, cats, wherever. (Note: Don't get arrested though, we don't have the gold to bail you out.)

The top 5 entries as judged by a committee comprised of the Interior Department (Ekim, BillBrasky, Jasper Ferguson) and President Emerick (time permitting), will receive 2g each in appreciation of their efforts. The winners will be announced in an article to be published on Sunday August 9th, along with links to the winning posters. People are of course free to use any of the submitted designs, so if your favorite poster doesn't win, it doesn't mean that it won't be used by people.

This contest is approved by,
President Emerick
Ekim – Secretary of the Interior
Jasper Ferguson – Secretary of Citizen Affairs