Archeologists Uncover Resistance Documents!

Day 610, 00:33 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Archeologists have discovered the meeting place of Australian's in the resistance era of our history. The site, uncovered in Belfast, Northern Ireland (a safe haven for Australian's after the annex) reveals many of the discussions our brave ancestors (some of which that are still living) went through to get Australia back from Indonesia rule.

However, there seemed to be a key to the meeting place, which only the one called zaney could unlock. Zaney has agreed to unlock the archive for current Australian's to view, all at no cost.
"I just want Australian's to know the history of myself and others during the resistance, and see the hardship and work we put in to regain our country".

Zaney has also revealed that there is more documents relating to the meeting place, which were found in his secret room in the meeting place. "I have decided not to release these documents yet, but I may so in the near future." It is believed these documents contain the 'juicy' information about the events in the lead up to the first 'Fight for Freedom' Resistance War in New South Wales, which didn't go to plan.
The site can be found at

Just my creative story of Zaney opening the old forum boards. They contain a wealth of information and I recommend all to check it out. 😃

Have a nice day,
