April 23 : Two Nations and Two Important Days [Israel]

Day 885, 01:35 Published in Israel United Kingdom by burakkocamis

You remember this ? : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/interesting-about-independence-day--783328/1/20

It was one year ago...Today,we are again celebrating 23rd of April both.

Today is National Sovereignty of Turkiye and World Children Day...Today is foundation date of Turkish Grand National Assembly in 1920 and so democracy and freedom in Turkiye.

Today is Independence day of Israel / Yom Ha'atzmaut...Today is foundation day of Israel 1948..

We appreciate every nation's freedom unless it effects the others...I'm not going to talk about real anymore..

In eRepublik,We have been talking for peace more than one year and we're still figthing..Both side made mistakes but both side should look at its past.

I just wanted to publish this article after one year again.LONG LIVE APRIL 23 !

P.S=I just wanted to show an humanity action even although we have been figthing on battlefield in eRepublik.It shouldn't be considered as spam,to GameModerators 🙂

Best Regards,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of eTurkiye , burakkocamis