Apparently this is spam

Day 1,086, 07:48 Published in New Zealand USA by Fionia

The first version of this was deleted as spam. I don't know how that's valid. This is game-related, and a legitimate argument. There was even some interesting, game-related debate going on in the comments. But hey, if you want to call this spam, admins, I might as well actually make it so.


There's a lot, a lot of bitching about the way the military skills were converted into strength. A lot of people focus on how some noob could get as much strength as you in 3 days/2 weeks/a month.

The counter-argument to this has been: "If you keep training, they'll never catch up! So what's the problem?"

That's all well and good, admins, but you failed to see the bigger part of the argument: you messed up when converting the strength. There are people out there who have lower strength than others. You can't just brush it off by telling us that you weren't originally going to make training worth 5 points a day. You can't blow it off by telling us that we won't fall behind if we just keep playing this game after you've screwed us over.

So let me walk you through this.

Let's compare these two profiles.

We'll start by looking at when each of them joined the game.

Ok, they were born on the same day.

A bit of history: Both have been consistently training. Neither has used gold training extensively. When the migration to v2 was made, Evry put all his skills into Air, and before the reconversion, was lvl 10 (2/3 of the way to 11), with no levels in any of the other skills. Fionia split her skills going into v2 between Tank and Air. Before the reconversion, Fionia had lvl 9 Tank (about 40% to 10), lvl 8 Air (90% to 9), and lvl 3 in both Rifle and Artillery.

So what are their strengths now?



I don't think this needs any further explanation.

You can't brush this off admins.

Signing off,