Another big robbery in eRussia, 60 000 Rubles stolen.

Day 641, 16:56 Published in USA USA by Ksedin

Info taken from:

Short story:

One of eRussian Congressman's transferred freshly printed 60 000 Rubles to Fake eRussian Reserves. Here's the story:

Full story:

An0nymous created a law on the withdrawal of 60000 RUB erussian fun😛 - it was a wonderful law. Rubles, which eRussian economy needs.

They should have been transferred here: - eRussian Fund administered by borges16. The law passed, After voting was completed, congressman’s looked at eRussian Fund profile - and found 800 Gold? Rubles disappeared?

After searching eRussia through google. We can find this organization: that, wow (!), Called eRussian Fund!

And what had a week ago?
Well, for example, the same An0nymous 5 days ago offered to withdraw money: in eRussian reserve. And, Wow, how surprising is there are two organizations called eRussian reserve: - the official one. - Fake one.

In a comment of course our beloved Congressman An0nymous (or not😁 says that he lost the account, as he justified last time at the forum when the government rejected his law.

So what you want to continue to play this game?

60 000 * 0.036 = 2160 Gold. They were probably sold to someone for RL-money.

Maybe money haven't reached destination because of a bug or they are delayed on the way! Or maybe even the admin-Cashier went either to drink tea, or forgot to transfer them from the treasury to organization.

And enjoy now one of eRussian congressman’s law : While eRussian economy need Rubles to put them on sale, he had proposed a law that translates 10 rubles to some random person. Now eRussia needs to wait another 24 hours, until the useless law will be dismissed and an additional 24 hours will be needed for the withdrawal of money. So the growth rate of the eRussian ruble can be predicted..
eRussian community already trying to return money be sending abuse reports to Admins.

As a side note:

1) the congressman who created the law that prevent eRussia from printing more money is already out of Russian congress: Svinhell is no longer a congress member.

2) Both fake organizations were permanently suspended for using an unlawful or inappropriate avatar or citizen name.

3) The congressman who stole money was permanently suspended for properties obtained through an illegal or unjust method.

That could happend in any country so all congressman's should always check what they are voting for!