Announcing the Support our Troops Program!

Day 840, 19:56 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

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Citizens of eJapan,

Today we announce an exciting new program sponsored by the eJapanese government. The Support our Troops program is designed to give citizens unable to deploy to Australia for the war effort a chance to help those who have sacrificed and deployed to a foreign land in order to assist our allies and show the world that we are active in the defense of Asia.

We will be connecting citizens on eJapan here on the homefront with deployed soldiers in eAustralia. Our citizens here may send them care packages of food or gifts and communicate with our soldiers via letters, informing them of current events and life in eJapan.

Support our Troops, let them know their sacrifice is not forgotten

Citizens who only wish to send care packages of food and gifts rather than communicate with the soldiers may send a message to the Japanese Interior Service and we will arrange for your care package to be sent.

So contact the Japanese Interior Service today and Support our Troops! The coordination of care packages and communications will be handled by me and my esteemed Vice President, Angrr. And to start things off, I will be donating 10 Q5 food from my personal stock to be distributed to the troops.

Let’s show our troops that we care!

Crawling Chaos
President of eJapan