Announcement to my Supporters!

Day 171, 15:53 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per


Dear Party-comrades,

There is some mystery about the party elections tomorrow. The first and most important issue is my candidacy. As of now there is a bug that allows me to be Party President, but it won't let me join the party, nor does it include me in the list of Party Members. It's very annoying.

Therefore I announce that if you do not see my name tomorrow, I urge you to elect Skinke. I endorse him and judge him to be more than fit to handle the large responsibility of leading the cause of freedom for Danes and Germans everywhere.

Now if you wish to vote for someone else, you are of course welcome to. However if you just stood for party nomination because you could, then I urge you to resign. It is imperative that our party is run by a person who can invest the time and energy to make our party successful. Don't worry, you don't need to run in the party elections to be elected as a mayor on the 20th, or as a congressman on the 1st of June. This election only affects who leads the party, and should go the person most fit for this job.

Now if you vote for me, or if you can't vote for me but can vote for Skinke, here is what we propose.

Our goal is to lead the party's struggle for more freedom, sovereignty and autonomy for the occupied nations of Denmark and Germany.

We wish to strengthen the bonds between the occupied peoples and their Swedish sympathy.

We have no intention of harming the sovereignty of the original borders of the Swedish nation nor do we wish to involve us too deeply in her internal affairs.