And the Winner of The ERepublik Poetry Contest is....

Day 801, 21:33 Published in Canada USA by jfbranson

Valchrist! for this entry:

In eRepublik I fought for change
Change could really make a difference
Stuff my wallet and round to dollars
At first I thought it was so strange
All that change just came in cents
The price of food sure caused me hollars

But then I fought for my country
Those hospitals sure saved me money!
For months on end I wouldn't eat
I begged for work, that wouldn't cheat
Cashed in for gold
Finally moved my feet

I speculated and bought a ticket
Went to broken America and sold my gold
Worked a while in oil companies
Prices changed; I cashed in monies
Worked a while making steel
Bought Q5 guns for a real deal

Like any Canadian who wants real money
I live in America and play the market
I want to return, but the economy stops it

But my enemies are the real dummies
I live in their countries
Where I can make the most
And whittle away at my host
Like a parasite I work no will
Still get paid, but skip the bill

So I move from here or there
In eRepublik I am everywhere
But one day I will return home
With a stockpile of weapons
And a million gold

But one day I will return home
With a million weapons
And a billion gold

Congrats! Enjoy your gold.