And the RESULTS are finally in...

Day 553, 08:51 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

The top 3 main parties in the Philippines all hold around 30% of the congress seats.

FPM with 12 congressmen and 30% of the Seats.
The newest party "Kilusan ng Makabayang Pinoy" with 13 congressmen and 32% of the seats.
PFF with 14 Congressmen and 35% of the Seats.

Congratulations to everyone who got in This Term and for those who didnt, DONT WORRY! im sure u will next time =-p but you can still help out. give your congressmen your opinions...your may not be able to vote on the congress matter BUT you can still help your country.

In other news..

eRep has now got a Spanish Version available, this will be coming out soon read the eReublik insider for more information.

Also thank you for whoever voted for me to be your congressman. 😛

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