Analysis on q1 manufacturing companies

Day 594, 19:55 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Today I've made some calculations about added value generated at q1 food companies to see how I should set job offers for National Food Ltd. and to get an idea on what to do with my q1 moving ticket company. As I got curious about how q1 companies do in other manufacturing sectors and as it took only a few minutes anyhow, I extended my table.

The assumptions behind the data below are the following:
- The company has 10 workers, thus optimal employee number multiplier
- Workers have on average 90 wellness, except for skill 2 (60) and skill 1 and 0.5 (40)
- I've used full skill levels for calculations (except for 0.5), thus effectively rounded down here

The product and raw material prices I used for calculating added value are the following:
q1 food - 1.7 MYR, q1 gift - 4.2 MYR, q1 moving ticket - 21 MYR, q1 weapon - 13 MYR
1 stock: grain - 0.65 MYR, diamond - 1 MYR, oil - 1 MYR, iron - 1.05 MYR

The results:
The data in a row are as follows: skill, productivity points (pp), added value in q1 food company, added value in q1 gift company, added value in q1 moving ticket company, added value in q1 weapon company.

Skill 7 - 29.4 pp - 30.9 MYR (f), 32.3 MYR (g), 32.3 MYR (mt), 45.5 MYR (w)
Skill 6 - 25.2 pp - 26.5 MYR (f), 27.7 MYR (g), 27.7 MYR (mt), 39 MYR (w)
Skill 5 - 21.0 pp - 22 MYR (f), 23.1 MYR (g), 23.1 MYR (mt), 32.5 MYR (w)
Skill 4 - 16.8 pp - 17.6 MYR (f), 18.5 MYR (g), 18.5 MYR (mt), 26 MYR (w)
Skill 3 - 12.6 pp - 13.2 MYR (f), 13.9 MYR (g), 13.9 MYR (mt), 19.5 MYR (w)
Skill 2 - 6.6 pp - 6.9 MYR (f), 7.3 MYR (g), 7.3 MYR (mt), 10.2 MYR (w)
Skill 1 - 2.7 pp - 2.8 MYR (f), 3 MYR (g), 3 MYR (mt), 4.2 MYR (w)
Skill 0.5 - 1.4 pp - 1.4 MYR (f), 1.5 MYR (g), 1.5 MYR (mt), 2.1 MYR (w)

These numbers are of course not precise, especially at the lowest skill levels where users improve their skill fast, but I think they show nicely how much value people generate roughly in q1 manufacturing companies. Again, the above figures show the net worth of a user's work, if you pay this much then you'll have zero profit (unless your employee always works above 90 wellness and has some extra decimals of skill). I also have to say that looking at world market prices I might have been too kind with that 13 MYR price for q1 weapons.🙂

- At the current level of job offers and thus probably salaries in Malaysia among q1 companies only the weapon companies have a chance to make profit on workers with higher skill levels. But even they need quite ideal circumstances to achieve minimal profits. And then I haven't even mentioned yet that our 3 weapon companies all produce more than they can sell on the Malaysian market. So in fact they are also making a loss on them almost for sure. The situation seems somewhat better around skill level 2-4.
- Food, moving and gift companies need extremely good management and some luck on top of it to break even or to make some little profit. Or loyal workers staying at your company even for low wages.
- This is very trivial but along with the general decrease of product prices unfortunately salaries have to be lowered further, too.
- Without intervention from the developers the economy seems to be doomed without a chance to get out of the current overproduction. The results might be further decreased prices and wages, where extra golds received for medals (usually Hard Worker medals) and for reaching experience levels might become an even more important source of income, maybe the main source of income.

Advice for q1 company owners:
- If you own a gift or moving ticket company, upgrading is absolutely pointless. However if you own a weapon company you might want to think about upgrading to a higher quality level. q3 and up are somewhat better than q1. q2 is a no-go even with weapons as 1 q2 weapon usually sells for less than 2 q1 weapons while they cost the same to produce.
- Cutting back on production by employing mostly lower skill workers might help some. You might still not be really profitable but at least you'll have less products to sell for minimal or zero profit and can slow down the increase of your stockpiles.
- Decrease salaries if there is no other solution! The others are in the same or at least in a very similar situation most probably.
- Pray that the developers are working on improving the economy module!🙂

Best regards,