Analysis of Party Elections

Day 908, 08:06 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

This month's party presidential elections have been very exciting. In almost every major party, the Swiss and the Shaolins battled for control. The following is an post-election analysis.

Directly before the elections, The Shaolins ran two candidates in the major Swiss parties, the Swiss Liberal Party and the Parti Suisse Romand.

This might have been disastrous if Eleriel and his crew had not been standing guard. They had anticipated the attacks and quickly proposed candidates for the Shaolin controlled parties, the Swiss Neutrality Party and the Brainslug Party.

The Shaolins quickly gave up their attack of the SLP once they realized that Eleriel was running. Instead, they focused their energy on the Parti Suisse Romand, which the Swiss candidate, Becker, was able to secure.

Meanwhile, JNArno attempted to retake the corrupt Swiss Neutrality Party. However, last minute voters were able to secure the Shaolin candidate, and the SNP remains in the hands of the enemy.

The Brainslug Party was one of the more minor battlegrounds. I ran as a distraction, and succeeded in wasting Shaolin votes that could have possibly PTO'd the Parti Suisse Romand (Hooray for Penguin!)

In Other Parties:
There were two uncontested elections, in the Swiss Freedom Party (which Wazamaza won once again), and in the Viva La Resistance party, a formerly dieing party. The VLR has now become the Swiss Liberal Democrats Party, and is governed by Julian Anderson. Good luck Julian!

The smallest party, the Free Masons, has once again been renamed. It is now the Socialdemocratic Party eS, and it's party president is Walther Rathenau.

We, the Swiss, were once again able to stop PTO attempts in the two major parties. Had those PTO's been successful, the presidential elections might have been hopeless.

What's important though, is that this time we were not the only ones playing defense. We gave the Shaolins a run for their money in the Swiss Neutrality Party, which has been controlled by the Shaolin Monastery for months and months.

When the SNP is returned to Swiss hands, I will know that this country is free of Shaolin control.

In the meantime, the minor parties of Switzerland once again have a chance at rebirth. The new Swiss Liberal Democratic party has a chance to become a major party if Julian plays his cards right. If the two Democratic Parties (LibDem and SPeS) were to consider a merge, they would be able to oust the Brainslug Party, and run candidates for Congress.

Thank you for reading! And make sure that you're ready for Congress elections on the 25th!

For the free eSwitzerland!